Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Moment in Time

The sun rose up this morning to kiss the tips of the trees, and stretch out into a clear blue sky. This miracle, though not all that uncommon to the common stranger, has a majestic effect to the people making their way through the streets of Seattle. Hoods are low, skin is tempted to show, and eyes that are usually trained on the cracks that spill from the concrete are faced upwards to a world they couldn't quite remember. Cameras are everywhere, causing chaos for those who are still in a hurry, and humans are spread along the green carpets that connect city and nature with families, friends, and lovers. 
When noon rolls around, even those who are busy the most can't resist the temptation to step out into the golden light that has been foreign to them for so long. For a brief moment in time, strangers find themselves finally willing to take the camera from the tourist's hands and snap a photo for them in front of the glory that swells around them all. 
Eventually, evening falls and night settles leaving only a handful of golden splotches to care over the darkness. Though the startling energy that stemmed from the sun's rays are long gone, the people still continue to allow the sun's effects to govern their hearts and minds. Children scurry around their backyards, willing their adventures to live on, mothers and fathers glance out the window and share one more laugh as their children finally fall into sleep, and young couples linger beneath the stars for one more kiss. 
The moment in time ends, and thousands of souls close their eyes as they reflect on the sweet moment- praying that the moment will return once more when their clocks wake them the next day. 

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